Part 1: The Ayurvedic Way - How to create your 42-Day Nest
“You have come through the fire of childbirth, and whether your baby was born alive or still, cut from you or pushed, you need healing, and peace and nourishment.”
- Quote from the book Womb, The Inside Story of Where We All Began by Leah Hazard
The sacred 42 days that affect the next 42 years.
Here's a truth that might surprise you: the first 42 days after birth can influence the next 42 years of your life. Yet the statistics tell a sobering story:
15 % of women experience postpartum depression,
50% of them develop organ prolapse,
80 % of women suffer from some symptom of depletion and
all have a 28% increased risk of developing an autoimmune disease in the early years of motherhood.
These aren't just numbers – they're a wake-up call.
In many traditional cultures, the first 42 days after birth were seen as sacred - a time of deep rest, nourishment, and supported healing. They understood postpartum not as a race to recovery, but as a precious window of transformation.
Today, this wisdom has been replaced by a culture of urgency and quick fixes. We've embraced a mindset of restricting calories when we need nourishment, pushing intense exercise when we need gentle movement, and rushing when we need to slow down. The cost of this disconnection is written in our bodies - from nutritional depletion and anxiety to autoimmune disorders and pelvic floor challenges.
Postpartum Healing is Not a Sprint
It's a 2-3 year odyssey of cellular regeneration and profound renewal. When we interrupt this natural process, we're not just risking physical complications; we're dismissing an opportunity for deep, lasting transformation.
What if I told you that there was another way?
How Ayurveda Approaches the 42 days
A woman's body is literally filled with warmth, energy, and nurturing new life. Her body increases in heat (agni) and blood volume to nurture the growing baby.
This fullness that existed for nine months suddenly gives way to space – a space that, according to Ayurveda, quickly fills with air and ether elements (dominated by Vata Dosha).
Through an increase in Vata, new mothers often find themselves experiencing a constellation of symptoms:
profound emptiness even when surrounded by loved ones,
unexpected waves of anxiety,
bone-deep fatigue that rest alone can't touch,
digestive challenges,
and a sense of being ungrounded in their new reality.
Creating your Peaceful 42-Day Nest
Simple steps to create your cozy healing space at home
The Basics (Get These First!)
The essential list for keeping the body warm and facilitate healing.
Natural massage oils (Non-toasted Sesame and coconut oil)
Baby bottle warmer (for oil heating)
A soft comfy robe and other loose clothing
Natural fiber belly wrap
Ready made herbal mix for Yoni Steam + Yoni Steam Seat
Thermos to keep drinks warm
Glass food storage versus plastic for preserving Prana
Consider buying a slow cooker
Herb pots if you can’t get them fresh from the garden
Easy Food Prep
Ayurveda food preparation to keep your food full of life without overwhelming yourself.
✓ Meal Prep Essentials:
□ Plan meals only 2-3 days ahead
□ Pre-chop veggies and store properly
□ Keep ready-made Kitchari mix on hand
✓ Pantry Must-Haves:
□ Ghee (clarified butter)
□ Fresh lemons
□ Fresh herbs
□ Vata-pacifying spice mix to boost Agni (digestion)
□ Warming spices (fennel, cumin, coriander)
✓ Healing Beverages:
□ Dashamoola tea
□ Fresh ginger for tea
✓ Quick Snacks:
□ Fresh fruits
□ Homemade energy balls (dates, nuts, etc.)
A healing meal takes just 10 minutes: toss your pre-chopped veggies into simmering kitchari, finish with a drizzle of ghee, a squeeze of lemon, and fresh herbs – so simple, warming, and nourshing.
Your Cozy Corner
Create one dedicated space for rest and recovery
Comfortable chair or bed setup ( A really soft large carpet to lay one works too ;) )
Side table for hydrating drinks & nourishing snacks
Dim lighting (I recommend a salt lamp!)
A “Do not disturb sign”
Relief Postures for the Next 42 Days
Take 3 - 5 deep breaths in those posture to help you relax the uterus and ligaments and gently start to activate the pelvic floor
The High-Rise Bridge
Starting Position:
Lie on back, knees bent
Extend sitting bones toward heels
Stretch arms up, fingers interlaced, palms to ceiling
Let arm bones sink wide into mat
The Movement:
Step 1:
Gently draw sitting bones together (activates levator ani)
Pull up from perineum past anus to sacrum
Keep outer buttocks and abdomen relaxed
Create small "butterfly shelter" at thoracic-lumbar transition
Step 2:
Extend sitting bones toward knee pits
Lift tailbone, sacrum, and 1-2 vertebrae off mat
Keep abdomen fully relaxed (belly button sinks)
Stretch pelvis away from chest
Maintain "butterfly shelter" under back at belly button level
When lowering, land on back edges of sitting bones first
Don't roll spine when coming down
Lying on your belly
Starting Position:
Lie on belly, pubic bone slightly elevated at mat edge
Fists stacked with forehead resting on top
Legs stretched, feet in V-position on toes
The Movement:
Step 1:
Draw belly button in toward spine
Sitting bones toward heels
Sacrum reaches toward crown
Step 2:
Keep abdomen floating off mat
Keep outer buttocks relaxed
Keep thighs and knees relaxed
Step 3:
Stretch belly button to left heel and right upper arm
Then to right heel and left upper arm
Optional: lift your right foot 1cm from the ground. Then other side.
Your Questions Answered
Q: "When can I start exercising after giving birth?"
A: Every woman's recovery is unique. Generally, it's best to wait for 3 months before starting any type of exercise. However, there are plenty of gentle, effective movements you can do that support your healing journey without compromising your recovery. If you're unsure about specific activities or experiencing any discomfort, it's worth consulting with a physical therapist trained in postpartum care or Cantienica Instructor.
Quick Things to Click On
The softest natural fibre robe for mums: Tribiess
Product I love for gentle face & body wash: Sea Moss Soap - Oat'so Fresh (White)
Book I recommend: "The First Forty Days" by Heng Ou
Most beautiful dream - & suncatchers ever: Owlsroadstudio
If you didn’t know this stuff existed: Premium Postpartum Confinement Centre - SAINT BELLA
Let’s Connect!
Hey mama, I'd love to hear from you! How has your postpartum journey been so far? What's been your biggest challenge? Do you have any tips to share with other new moms? Hit reply and let me know – your insights might be featured in a future newsletter!